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  • Writer's pictureHeli Perala

Not doing anything with an empty belly!

Updated: Mar 31, 2020

I believe, that searching for happiness and adventures is a lot easier task once you've done three things first: exercise, rest and eat. I had a good night sleep in my Airbnb in Gold Coast, went for a run in the park avoiding every person on the way, and now the scent of self made sweet potato fries is lurking it's way to my nose from the oven. Here's the easiest recipe ever (trust me, even the most unexperienced home cook can't ruin these!):


  • Sweet potato

  • Any kind of oil or butter (personally I love the flavour coconut oil gives to the potatoes!)

  • Salt

  • Pepper

  • Paprika

  • Mixed herbs

  1. Chop the sweet potato (or potatoes if you're feeding a bigger crowd) into wedges or slices, you can have the shape of fries you love!

  2. Oil a baking pan (or spread butter, or use baking paper)

  3. Throw the fries to the pan. Spread oil or butter over them, add spices and herbs. Mix well.

  4. Bake in 200 degrees, after five minutes turn them and mix them up and bake some more. Check them every few minutes. You'll know when they're done!

  5. Serve with hummus or aioli and pair with a simple salad or toasted tuna sandwich!


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